Jordan Teuscher

In 2020, Jordan was elected to the Utah House of Representatives, and quickly establishing himself as a key leader. He was appointed to the House Leadership team in 2023 and serves as the Vice-Chair of the House Rules Committee and the Chair of the House Ethics Committee. Jordan leads as co-chair of both The Point of the Mountain State Land Authority and the Blockchain and Digital Innovation Taskforce. Jordan has been assigned to serve on the Business, Economic Development, and Labor Sub-appropriation Committee, the House Political Subdivisions, Business and Labor, Transportation, and Natural Resources Standing and/or interim Committees. Additionally, his expertise in law has been recognized at a national level, through his appointment representing Utah on the Uniform Law Commission.

Jordan’s leadership and legislative prowess have not gone unnoticed. He is a recipient of prestigious awards including the Americans for Prosperity Champions of Liberty Award, the Libertas Defender of Liberty Award, and the SL Chamber of Commerce Business Champion Award. In 2022, the Council of State Governments honored him with the 20 under 40 award, recognizing emerging government leaders committed to state service. Furthering this acknowledgment, Jordan was named a Henry Toll Fellow in 2023, joining a distinguished group of leaders recognized for their exceptional service and leadership.

At the heart of Jordan’s legislative service is his advocacy for transformative legislation in areas critical to Utahns: higher education free speech, election reform, criminal justice reform, and digital innovation. Through these efforts, Jordan has significantly contributed to shaping policy that reflects the values and needs of his constituents, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to conservative values.