Resolution for Utah to Return to an Independently Elected Secretary of State


Sponsored by Robert McEntee

Adopted by the State Central Committee on September 7, 2024


WHEREAS, Dedicated focus on the important matter of secure and accurate public elections is a worthy endeavor and, 

WHEREAS, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has made election integrity a prime focus in the 2024 elections partly due to problems encountered in the 2020 election cycle and due to GOP voter distrust of election integrity and, 

WHEREAS, polls show a majority of US voters do not trust that our elections are conducted securely enough to prohibit or satisfactorily punish fraud or cheating in elections. 20% of US voters admit to cheating with mail-in ballots, 28% say they would cheat to help a preferred candidate.

WHEREAS, Confidence in Utah elections is critical to ensure citizens vote and can have faith and trust in election outcomes and enjoy a State Executive who is appropriately neutral in races and, 

WHEREAS, An independent, private multi-County Utah canvass showed widespread (13% of those responding) problems with excess ballots, improper voting, lost votes and other errors significant enough to change outcomes. 62% of Utah Conservatives don’t trust election results

WHEREAS, 47 US States currently employ an independently elected Secretary of State (SOS) to oversee election matters, as Utah once did. Further, there is a need for increased focus and a call from the RNC and UTGOP via the 2024 “Excellence In Voting” SCC resolution on election integrity, and, 

WHEREAS, Sole reliance on County Clerks or the Lieutenant Governor's (LG’s) office to call for full hand recounts when indicated has not enhanced candidate or voter trust in election outcomes. Candidates need the ability to independently trigger full hand-recounts even if there is some cost to them, and,

WHEREAS, our URP Platform calls for “consent of the governed” and independently elected officials better represent the direct consent of the governed. Our Platform also demands accountability of officials and direct election of a SOS enhances accountability of that official, 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Utah Republican Party calls upon our Legislature to once again adopt our former independently elected and individually accountable Secretary of State (SOS) office to oversee our critical public elections while retaining the LG’s office for other duties. Funds used by the LG’s office for election matters shall transfer to the new SOS office. 

RESOLVED, The Utah Republican Party calls upon our legislature to enable candidates to independently require a full hand recount of ballots when races are within 5% if that candidate will pay towards said recount the reasonable amount the Legislature shall set except if they win the recount there shall be no cost to them. 

FURTHER RESOLVED, Signatories of candidate ballot petitions for public office shall have their names publicly displayed on the State website just as persons who sign for initiatives and referenda. 



SCC Members: Chad Saunders, Blair Brandenburg, Blaine Nay, Maryann Christensen, Teena Horlacher, Marci Green Campbell, Whit Cook, Casey Gale, Kim F. Coleman, Jennifer Garner, Gunnar Thorderson, Alexia Preston, Tom Hansen, Cristy Henshaw, Christina Boggess, Becky Hope, Jaime Wadman, Kevin Richardson, Neil Sebring, Wendy Hart, Thomas Gooch

State Delegates: Alison Matherne, Kriss Martenson, David Mallinak, Janice W. Legler, Tenna Hartman, Chase Leavitt, Bruce Kupfer, April Pinkston, Connie Peterson, Shannon McInnes, Tracie Halverson, Brian Gray, Mary Burkett Goulding, Nate Affleck, Daniel Badal, William Olson, Jennifer Ellis Eaves, Britshana Barfuss, Angela Applonie