Resolution in Support of Collaboration with the Utah Legislature for a Repeal of SB54 of 2014
Sponsored by Alexis Ence
Adopted by the State Central Committee on September 7, 2024
WHEREAS, the introduction of the signature path for nomination has created confusion in the electorate and division in the Republican Party, the Utah Legislature’s return of the Party’s nominating process would be greatly beneficial. Such a return would strengthen our nominating process, reestablish robust delegate-candidate engagement, and reinforce our Republican values;
WHEREAS, Americans have experienced decades of concern over the undue influence of money in our electoral process, the inclusion of a signature path—however unintended this may be—has substantially increased the influence of money in Utah’s process and allowed for nominations to be purchased, rather than earned. The potential for manipulation, corruption, and undermining of the trust that the American electoral process demands is not the Utah Way;
WHEREAS, the creation of a signature path for our Party’s nomination has created unnecessary division, and—instead of producing a unifying movement advocating our principles and support for our candidates—it has engendered an unhealthy animosity directed towards our own Party members, in particular, those who opt to avail themselves to collect signatures under the law;
WHEREAS, the Republican National Committee is making strides nationally to unify the Republican Party, efforts to seek a solution that offers one path to the ballot and serves to balance the voices of the delegates and Primary voters will also have a unifying effect on our Party;
WHEREAS, the Party is committed to improving its Caucus-Convention system educationally, systematically, and unitedly, without initiatives that undermine our values;
WHEREAS, Utah’s Caucus-Convention system gathers and engages citizens in a powerful way, to discuss needed improvements in Utah and the United States, a needful gathering at a time where forces seek to destroy the very fabric of our nation;
RESOLVED that the Utah Republican Party supports the collaboration, and values the cooperation, of the Utah Legislature on a repeal of SB54 that will improve the nomination process for all Utahns.
Carolyn Phippen, Alvin Guo, Jaime Munns, Aaron Bullen, Majorie Haun, Kimball Willard, Haylee Caplin, Nate Brooksby, Kurt Ivy, Barry Sawyer, Koby Willis, Lesa Sandberg, Gene Garate, Speaker Mike Schultz
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