ARTICLE IV: State Central Committee


The State Central Committee stands as the apex governing and policy-making body of the Utah Republican Party. Endowed with broad authority and responsibility, this committee sets the course for the party's activities, policies, and priorities. Through its deliberations and decisions, the State Central Committee shapes the direction and identity of the Republican Party in Utah, ensuring that it remains true to its core principles and values.


The State Central Committee comprises distinguished individuals who represent the diversity and strength of the Republican Party in Utah. Voting members include:

  • State Party Chair
  • State Party Vice-Chair
  • State Party Secretary
  • State Party Treasurer
  • National Committeeman
  • National Committeewoman
  • Chair and Vice-Chair of each County Republican Party
  • County Representatives elected at the county organizing conventions
  • Presidents or Chairs of any organization designated as a Party Auxiliary by the State Central Committee
  • Additionally, elected Republican officials such as the Governor, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, State Attorney General, State Treasurer, State Auditor, and the Republican leaders in both the Utah House and Senate serve as voting members.
  • Republican U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives may designate a voting representative to attend meetings in their absence.
  • The Lieutenant Governor may attend and vote in the absence of the Governor.


The State Central Committee convenes regularly to fulfill its duties and responsibilities. It shall meet at least quarterly, providing opportunities for members to discuss important matters, make decisions, and chart the course for the party's future. Additionally, special meetings may be called by the Chair or upon the request of 25% of all voting members to address urgent or time-sensitive issues.


In order to conduct official business, the State Central Committee must have a quorum present. A quorum is defined as a majority of its voting members, ensuring that decisions made by the committee are representative and binding.

Notice of Meetings

Transparency and accountability are paramount in the operations of the State Central Committee. Regular quarterly meetings are noticed by postmarking an agenda at least two weeks before the intended meeting, while special meetings require an agenda to be postmarked at least one week in advance. No business may be considered at a meeting unless properly noticed, except if a majority of the members in attendance vote to add an item to the agenda.

The State Central Committee stands as the cornerstone of the Utah Republican Party, embodying the principles of democracy, unity, and effective governance. Through its collective wisdom and dedication, it advances the interests of Utah Republicans and ensures that our party remains a beacon of conservative leadership and values.

SCC Resolutions

179 directory listings